
eBay Open Seller Celebration 2017

This has been an exciting year for ACR4SALE. We have met many new people this year and have been able to grow as company.

One of the major ways that we have been able to grow as a company was meeting with many people at the eBay event in Las Vegas.

The event called eBay Open Seller Celebration 2017, was something that the company will use for years to come. The team learned many new and innovative things happening with eBay. With the different seminars that were offered during the expo, the team was able to meet new clients and expand relationships with existing clients. The experience at the eBay convention was one not to be forgotten.

Another event we have attended in the previous years is the AHR Expo, “the world’s largest HVACR marketplace”. The International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo), which started 86 years ago as a heating and ventilation show, has grown into the event of the year for the HVACR industry.

This year, the 2017 expo, took place in Las Vegas, in 2018 February it will take place in Chicago.

We look forward to sharing this experience with you and maybe even meeting some of you while we are there.

Dec 5th 2017 Nervys Lugo

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